How To Hang Wallpaper On Your Wall Effectively

Wall papers are interior decorations that make the wall attractive and brighten up the room. Wall paper hanging is the process of putting those decorations on the wall. However, they need to be put well following different steps so that the room can be attractive. If you don’t have time to decorate your room, you can consider searching for a wall paper hanging Perth company.

Materials used in Wall Paper Hanging

  • A metal Rule

You need a metal control so that you can draw straight guidelines for cutting.

  • A pasting table

This is a narrow table where the wallpaper is placed for cutting and folding before hanging.

  • A papering sponge

A papering sponge is used to clean excess paste from the wallpaper. You need to use plenty of water to do this.

  • A pasting brush

A pasting brush helps you to apply paste evenly on the wall paper.

Interior decorators Perth companies follow the following steps while applying the wallpaper.

  • Preparing the wall paper surfaces

Interior decorators check at the state of the wall before applying wall paper. If it needs painting, the paint has to be applied first and given time to dry.

  • Measuring the wall and cutting the wall paper

Wall paper hanging professionals measure the height and width of the wall. They then measure the wall paper with extra 2 inches and the bottom. Adding extra inches provides adequate space for trimming.

  • Leveling the sheet

After rounding up the measurements while cutting, make sure the all areas are equal even if your house is not leveled.

Where to start

When hanging the wall paper, begin with smooth surfaces of the wall.

  • Keenly check the seams

Where are you going to start putting the next wallpaper after the previous one? Checking the seams will enable you to have the right pattern in all places of the wall.

  • Use different razor-blades

You need to purchase a box of many razor blades so that you can replace the ones that get dull.

To get good adhesion, you need to use a seam roller to press the wallpaper gently. Keep your roller clean.

Before hiring an interior styling Perth Company, make sure you check they have adequate experience in interior decoration.

Are you looking for an exceptional wallpaper installer in Australia? WA decorators can quickly install wallpaper in your room. We have a team of qualified interior decorators with 35 years experience in wall paper hanging. Don’t delay to give us a call for further assistance.